Sunday, July 11, 2010

I like things that go BOOM.


1. The firearm is always loaded. Even if it's not, it's loaded.
2. Keep your finger off the trigger until you have your target in site.
3. Know what's beyond your target.
4. Don't point at anything unless you intend to destroy it.

I went shooting with Mitch today. Guess what world? I love him. Yep. There I said it, I love him. He's my favorite person ever. He makes me feel amazing. He tells me how much he loves me all the time, and what he loves about me, and that is the best thing on planet earth. I can't imagine being with anyone else but him. We had a fight today! :D It was great. Because we made up, and everything got better. :)

We went shooting today, and there were so many guns I don't even know what we had. There were at least 7 different rifles, and 4 different pistols. I shot most of them. My shoulder has a serious bruise, but I love it because it looks so tough. What the hell octopus? Sorry, I'm watching family guy. Anyways, I love shooting. It's theraputic. the feeling of squeezing a trigger and setting off a tiny explosion to launch a little piece of metal 500 yards is very powering. I love it.

I love Mitch. :)

I start my first day at work tomorrow. I wonder what my boss is going to think of my hair.

Good Night!

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