Sunday, July 11, 2010

I like things that go BOOM.


1. The firearm is always loaded. Even if it's not, it's loaded.
2. Keep your finger off the trigger until you have your target in site.
3. Know what's beyond your target.
4. Don't point at anything unless you intend to destroy it.

I went shooting with Mitch today. Guess what world? I love him. Yep. There I said it, I love him. He's my favorite person ever. He makes me feel amazing. He tells me how much he loves me all the time, and what he loves about me, and that is the best thing on planet earth. I can't imagine being with anyone else but him. We had a fight today! :D It was great. Because we made up, and everything got better. :)

We went shooting today, and there were so many guns I don't even know what we had. There were at least 7 different rifles, and 4 different pistols. I shot most of them. My shoulder has a serious bruise, but I love it because it looks so tough. What the hell octopus? Sorry, I'm watching family guy. Anyways, I love shooting. It's theraputic. the feeling of squeezing a trigger and setting off a tiny explosion to launch a little piece of metal 500 yards is very powering. I love it.

I love Mitch. :)

I start my first day at work tomorrow. I wonder what my boss is going to think of my hair.

Good Night!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hair cuts and WCS.

I feel like it's been forever since my last post. I don't think it's been fo eva, but still. It's almost suffocating during the day when I'm like, "Holy crap, I need to put this on my blog or my head will explode and there will be pudding EVERYWHERE." I secretly believe I'm filled with yogurt. Even though I hate the stuff. On that note, let me tell you about my amazing week.

I cut my hair into a mohawk. I got it cut by my good friend Book, and I didn't really like it the first time around so I was like, shave off the sides and make this legit. So she did. It is kind of dykey, but I love it. I love waking up in the morning, rubbing my hand through my hair and it's done. I can soooo dig it. The last time my hair was this short, I was 6. It's mos def going to take some getting used to, but it's growing on me.

I had a sleep over with my good buddies the other night. It's nights like that that make me happy I'm alive.

I love love love WCS. WCS is west coast swing. It's just a dance that has a whole lot of style and fun moves, and I can see myself going every Saturday for de rest of my life. I really need to take Mitch with me so he can learn how to dance. I'm always the youngest one there which isn't really a problem because I really like dancing with experienced people, but when I see older couples dancing together, it really makes me hope I can do that with my significant other in the future.

I think that's all she wrote. I'm going to enjoy some Doritos before I go to bed. Or maybe some real food. I'm starving.

Good night world.

P.s I'm going shooting with Mitch and a bunch of his Army buddies tomorrow. I'm really really excited. Then spaghetti night comes next. It's going to be a good day.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Resume?! Cover Letter?!

So these past couple of days my mother has been hounding me to apply for jobs. As irritating as it is sometimes, I know it's for the greater good. She always knows what best for me. Except when she wanted me to wear those plaid pants and a polka dot shirt. Greater good? Not so much. I love her to bits and pieces none the less.

I'm sure there's a couple hyphens in there. Hmmm.

So I come home this morning, moderately slept it away, and started working on my resume and cover letter for a specific job. As I was putting on the finishing touches, I got an email from and old school teacher of mine. It's funny, because my 11th grade year, in his class, one of his friends who was an insurance agent came in to teach us about insurance. Super fun right? Not so much. I spend the whole classes period taping my eyes open with my good friend Andy who I really think I need to get in touch with before his mission.... ANYways, he said he was also looking for callers for his company and I thought, "What the heck. I've never had a job, how bad can it be?" I ended up getting the job and being really good at it. I was at the job for about a year before I was let go due to scheduling reasons... but that's not the point.
The point is, said teacher of mine emailed me today telling me his wife is starting her own insurance company and wants me to be their main caller.


Without even turning in a resume and thanks to networking, I landed a job at a calling center. Something I know I'm good at, and hours that will work with my school schedule once I start college. I go in tomorrow for training and I should be starting either the next day or the next week.

In the end, Mom was right. I worked and slaved to make my resume and cover letter sound, and I got a job. Maybe Mom always is right. I love her.

I'm getting my hair done tomorrow as well. An hour before my interview, but I'll make it. My only problem when I get my hair cut is it has to be drastic or I feel like I've wasted my money. It'll be great though. My good friend Book is doing it, and she's done it before so I trust she'll do a good job.

Didn't get to see Mitch today, but I like him none the less. :)

That's all for today. Good night world.

Best. Day. EVAR.

Where do I even begin? I know.

Mitch. Mitch Mitch Mitch Mitch Mitch.
He has 300% absolutely stolen my heart. He just recently started a new job so I don't get to see him as much as I used to. Today was his first day off, and yes I get to see him most days, but today I got to spend the WHOLE day with him. Was it amazing? Yes. We started off with getting coffee at my favorite coffee shop, then blew bubbles in the park, then had a super epic movie marathon at Renee's house. I love spending time with him. I can't remember the last time I was this happy. It's honestly been so so so long. I like him. I like him a lot. It's just amazing to me that every second I spend with him, I like him more and more. :)

It's strange though. People don't usually like me. I'm a very... unique person I guess I should say. I have a lot of different views on things. Zombie plans, dancing, shooting, you name it and I'll tell you my opinion about it. I tend to scare people away. Mitch however, loves my personality. We have so much in common it's frightening, but at the same time, we have enough differences that we don't suffocate each other or run out of things to talk about. That boy amazes me. I like him.

Second best part of my day, insomnia usually gets the best of me but I guess that's my own fault. I keep myself up too much. I'm sleeping at Renee's tonight, and that usually consists of her going to Kyles and me sleeping in her bed alone. I'm totally okay with that. I get to spend my time with Renee, and Kyle gets her for bed time. Lol. I'm sure they're not doing anything naughty, they just like falling asleep together. ANYways, I'm on facebook wasting my life away when I decided to maybe watch a show on hulu, and that's when it hit me.


Let me tell you about LXD. LXD is the Legion of Extraordinary Dancers. They're I guess what some people would call a "dance crew." I'd like to call them something along the lines of creatures sent straight from the heavens to inspire and give hope to all dancers everywhere. Watching them dance gives me a little kick in the throat to remind me why I'm going to be dancing for the rest of my life. It's beautiful. I want to make people feel what LXD does for me. It's almost an intoxicating experience watching them. So now they have a show on hulu, with only two episodes I am already a devoted fan. I am so excited to see how the rest of the series goes.

On another note that has nothing to do with my perfect day...
College is going to be a challenge, but I'm so excited I could scream. Dance classes EVERY day? Yes please. I can't wait to come home sore as hell with an absolute need to jump into an ice bath because I know that with the training and education I'm going to get, I can do anything. With that in mind, nothing, and no one can stop me.

Good night world. I hope your dreams are as sweet as you. :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

New chapter? I think so.

Hey world. I'm Liz. I'll tell you a little bit about myself. I'm just out of high school. I'm going to college in a little bit. I have one sister aptly named Cow. My mother and father are HellenWheels and TMJ. I love my family. My blog is actually named from one of my dads famous quotes;

"We live in wondrous times." And I guess I spelled it wrong in my title. Oh well.

So if you know me, like, face to face, you'll know it's really hard for me to finish a thought let alone a sentence. However, this blog isn't for you. This is for me. I need a place to put my thoughts or my head will explode into infinity with lots of yogurt and unicorn farts, (which I'm lead to believe in the future will power hybrid cars.)

I feel as though I'm doing decently so far. I've gotten out of the habit of writing in my journal, and I'm on the computer quite often, so maybe this is where my thoughts are going to go. Well. Not all of it. Some of my life is going to stay locked away in my journal I tenderly named soul.

There's so much I'd like to write about. I did a lot today actually. And if you've actually read this far, let me know, and I'll give you a cookie or something.

A little more about me...well, kinda. My best friend is Renee. I've known her since August of 2009, and we've been best friends ever since, thanks to the tattoo on the back of her neck. We drink coffee religiously, hang out at the Est., listen to music, and do crazy stuff like jump through flaming hula hoops.
I've recently jumped into a relationship with a boy named Mitch. He is fantastic. He's served my country, he has a solid zombie plan, he's a better shot than I am, my parents like him, and I think deep down inside, he likes me too. He makes me happy, which is weird because my heart is like, "Woah, when did you start doing black tar heroin you crazy bafoon? Oh wait.. Uh... I really like this Mitch kid. He's cool." In all reality though, he does like me. which is nice because if he didn't this would be one awkward life I'm living.

I think that may be it for tonight. It's late. But I find the sound and feeling of my fingers hitting the keyboard very soothing. Almost hypnotic. Anyways, most days I like you, so don't screw it up.

I love. Good night.